Prediction: Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) Is Getting Broken Apart

The government says, well, we'd like to break up Alphabet. They'd like to break up everybody. They want to break up Amazon. So let's be the investment bankers who get the call from the government.
They’ve only got one business on paper that has any money in it. And that is advertising. You've got Google, you've got Google's own ads. You've got how they power a lot... almost everything.
Now, that doesn't mean that they've monetized it... but if you came to me and said, you’re the investment banker at Goldman Sachs, we’re going to hire you.
A breakup might benefit Alphabet shareholders, similar to AT&T's split in the 1980s, suggesting potential financial gains and a restructuring of value with the right monetization.
Read at 24/7 Wall St.