I always assumed that if I didn't have my career by 40, I would never do anything I would enjoy and be stuck with whatever brought home a paycheck. However, now in my 50s, I've finally realized a career in education after many years of floundering and trying to 'find myself.' "Don't give up your dreams; they are always possibilities!" -Anonymous, 56, South Dakota.
I've always worked on all my cars/trucks - think I'll have somebody else do some work. It's been different, retiring and adjusting the physical and the financial. Doing what I can and hiring what I'm learning I can't do. It's interesting and frustrating. - steved3604.
It being linear. My grandparents were fit, like actually fit, their whole life. Going on bike tours for hours, no end in sight, before the BS e-bike hype. Eating right, doing puzzles and quizzes, sports, gardening and stuff around the house, and renovations whenever we needed help. They seemed happy and enjoying life. Then, one super bad bike crash, landed them in the hospital for a month, recovery was good for their age, due to their very good condition. But the scars scared my grandma to get back on a bike, and my grandpa stayed home in solidarity. It's been three years, and they are shells of their former selves - both mentally and physically - especially in the last year. It's horrible to witness. I love them both and try to spend as much time with them as possible, but it's just depressing to see. - ChynChylla.