Netflix is intensifying its focus on live sports and gaming through an expanding partnership with WWE. Starting in fall 2025, subscribers will enjoy exclusive access to WWE 2K video games on mobile devices, a significant addition to Netflix's gaming library. This development follows the recent commencement of weekly live streams of WWE's flagship show, Monday Night Raw, on the platform, the first deviation from its 30-year linear TV broadcast history. The partnership reportedly involves a $5 billion deal over ten years, expanding Netflix's content offerings substantially.
Netflix is making a significant shift by partnering with WWE to stream live sports and exclusive video games, enhancing the value of its subscription service.
Starting fall 2025, Netflix subscribers will gain exclusive access to WWE 2K video games on mobile, marking a deeper relationship between the entities.
Netflix's deal with WWE, reportedly worth $5 billion over ten years, signifies a strategic move to bolster its content offerings beyond traditional streaming.
The initiative to offer WWE programming live marks a departure from conventional television for WWE, appealing to a modern audience's viewing habits.