JJ Johnson's Lamb Fried Rice Is The Missing Piece To Your Holiday Spread - Tasting Table

According to Chef Johnson, cinnamon-spiced lamb rice is the perfect dish to serve and share when celebrating the holidays with family. Not only is it a one-pot dish, which might help save some stove and counter space in a bustling kitchen, but the savory and nutty flavor profile is sure to compliment your other holiday heavy hitters.
Chef Johnson, who first had a version of this dish in Tel Aviv, says he enjoys combining cinnamon, ground lamb, pistachio, and dates for a sweet and savory table moment. "I think it's one of those dishes that you could put on the table during the holiday season, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever you want to do, and ... it'll be a showstopper," he related.
JJ Johnson recognizes that not everyone is into the gamey nature of lamb, and offers chicken, beef, or even plant-based ingredients like cauliflower or beyond meat as easy ground lamb swaps. "[You may be] like, 'I'm not a lamb lover. I can put chicken in here. I could put beef. Or maybe I go plant-based,'" he said.
"The rice is going to absorb all this flavor. And I think you can get really excited about it." With the right adaptations, holiday meals can cater to varied tastes while still being festive.
Read at Tasting Table