"I essentially do everything I used to do, just slower," Fonda said. "I used to be a runner, but now I love walking. I love being outdoors in the woods, especially up and down hills."
"I work out every day, so it is important to mix up the way I move. I alternate days doing upper body and lower body work for strength. I also find some way to get cardio in. Walking outside is one of my favorite ways to do so," she said.
"When I was starting out, there weren't many rigorous forms of exercise available to women. I learned the basic workout from a charismatic teacher named Leni Kasden in the '70s."
Fonda reflected on the impact of her home workout tapes, stating, "I had 'no idea' they would become so popular... I received amazing letters from around the world from fans about how the workouts impacted their lives."