How to Sleep When You're Riddled With Election Anxiety

According to a recent American Psychological Association survey, 25% of adults have already lost sleep over the U.S. presidential election, even before it skidded into its feverish final hours... It's been on everyone's minds, and it's completely normal to struggle with sleep leading up to such a big election.
With that in mind, we asked experts to share their best tips for squeezing in some Zs when you're anxious. Schedule worry time Sometime during the evening... Let in every fear, worst-case scenario, and doubt. The key, Banta says, is that you can't actually be in bed.
Any time we lose sleep, we lose emotional resilience, Banta says. We all have an ability to maintain and control our emotions, and if you don't get sleep, that's going to negatively impact that resource. Sleep is a refresher; it's how we clear our minds and process the day's events.
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