Global job recruitment is up in these 3 sectors

"The latest figures . . . (are) a positive hint toward more traditional recruitment cycles returning, whereby October and the final quarter tends to be busy as companies ramp up seasonal hires or look to spend remaining hiring budgets before the close of the year," Robert Walters's CEO Toby Fowlston said.
"This could be driven further in the next quarter by recent geopolitical shifts and trade renegotiations or agreements," he said.
Vacancies for professional roles rose by 29% in the retail and consumer goods and services sector, 15% in basic materials, 14% in tech and 13% in healthcare, but only 5% in real estate and 1% in financial services.
Job vacancies for professional roles globally were up nearly 9% month on month in October, compared with a 5% fall in September, according to an index from recruiters Robert Walters.
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