"In the pre-Industrial context, the context present for the majority of human history, you would be exposed to parenting and kids your whole life. You would be more involved in caring for your younger siblings," Fox said. Whereas, lacking this experience, today's first-time parents, often ridden with anxiety, face a steep learning curve.
"The biological milieu is so different between first and later pregnancies," Fox said. Cells and fragments of cells from each pregnancy remain in a person's body long after the baby is born, and each pregnancy essentially rewires a person's immune system.
Fox's research found that a mother's stress levels during pregnancy predicted an earlier adrenal puberty for eldest daughters, but not for sons. We usually think first of the physical changes that puberty brings, such as hair growth and menstruation, but puberty also involves cognitive and behavioral changes.
It's possible, Fox said, that "moms who are more depressed, anxious or stressed during pregnancy may impact their child's development, including the onset of puberty and mental health issues."