7 Ways Influencers Are Changing the Media Landscape - PEN America

In 2024, influencers gained unprecedented recognition, participating in major events like the Democratic National Convention. Notably, they played a role in political mobilization, with candidates reaching new demographics through popular podcasts. A Pew Research poll indicates that around 20% of U.S. adults rely on influencers for news, particularly in younger age brackets. Discussions highlight both the positive and negative implications of influencers in media, emphasizing the need for responsible content creation amid their rise in popularity and influence.
It's really kind of a double edged sword. On the one hand, I think that information really should feel democratized... But you know, it's kind of like what Spider-Man says, 'With great power comes great responsibility.'
There’s potential for influencers to bridge gaps in understanding and provide new perspectives, especially for marginalized communities who may feel unheard in traditional media.
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