Kevin's siblings and cousins constantly tease him before their trip, highlighting the chaotic family dynamics. One sister mocks him in French, calling him 'les incompétents', which translates simply to 'the incompetent ones'. This moment emphasizes how they derive amusement from his confusion, with some irony since it's just a French phrase for a universally understood insult.
The circumstances leading to Kevin being home alone are cleverly set up when Mr. McCallister accidentally throws away what is likely Kevin's passport and plane ticket during a chaotic packing night. Amidst the swirl of dinner preparations and packing, this detail not only serves as a plot device but also highlights the family's distraction and the mishaps that can occur in such hasty moments.
The lack of foresight regarding their plants adds another layer of neglect to Kevin's situation. With numerous plants placed around the house and no arrangements made for their care, it raises questions about the family's planning and attention to detail. If they'd found someone to tend to the plants, they might have noticed Kevin was left behind, ultimately adding to the theme of neglect.
Kevin's curiosity leads him to find a Playboy magazine in his family's belongings. However, the pages being taped together is a notable detail, suggesting that, despite being curious, he is still immature and doesn't fully understand the implications of what he's looking at. This moment provides insight into his character, blending innocence with a desire to explore the adult world.