The Vibe Camp session offered a guided meditation emphasizing the importance of body awareness and stillness. Participants were encouraged to explore their physical sensations while moving in a circle, tuning into the earth's energy and their personal movement dynamics. The intention was to gradually transition from active movement to a still meditative state, fostering a deeper connection with one's body and breath. This practice highlights mindfulness, allowing participants to engage as they wish, either by following instructions or exploring their personal meditative space.
Feel your pelvis, feel your spine, feel how your shoulders and neck react. Let it be loose, let it feel good.
Tune into the energy of the Earth, that's sticking you to the cushion, and how your spine is rising up from that.
Make the circles smaller and smaller, really feeling it, until you're still doing a circle, but there's almost no movement at all.
Just rest. But notice, there's still some kind of natural slight rhythm of movement there, heartbeat, breathing.