The article clarifies misconceptions about therapy, detailing a psychoanalytically trained therapist's approach during a session. It emphasizes the importance of active listening, including verbal and non-verbal cues, to interpret a client's emotional state. The therapist makes interventions based on the client's goals and body language while ensuring empathy and appropriate boundaries are maintained. This multifaceted approach helps clients perceive themselves differently and navigate their therapeutic journey productively, countering the notion that therapy is simply about passive listening.
In a typical therapy session, I listen not only to the words spoken but also to the emotional reactions and body language clients project.
I analyze the emotional undertones and non-verbal cues to truly understand clients and help them gain new perspectives on their situations.
Therapy is more than just sitting in silence; it's a dynamic process that involves empathy, strategic interventions, and understanding client emotions.
Maintaining therapeutic boundaries and self-awareness is crucial, as it helps ensure that the therapy remains productive and supportive for the client's journey.