Anna recounts a challenging school experience, feeling impulsive and desperately wanting to fit in, which led to regretful acts. Her self-esteem dwindled, despite excelling as a nurse. Suffering from emotional instability, low energy, and poor memory resulted in a search for help through medication and therapy. Although she received treatment for depression and explored different therapies, her feelings of inadequacy persisted. This journey has prompted her to consider the possibility of being neurodivergent, as she reflects on her lifelong struggles with self-identity and social interactions.
As a child and an adult, Anna felt sanctioned, judged and misunderstood. She considers herself a chameleon who adapts to new environments and survives by being funny, but all too often regrets things she has said.
I can never remember things people tell me, like how many children they have. I hate it because it makes me look as if I don't care, and I do.