Recent surveys reveal that 40 to 70% of Americans are stressed about current events, with the American Psychological Association reporting alarming figures about anxiety related to the economy, elections, and safety. Experts explain that constant exposure to negative news leads to an overwhelmed stress response, making it challenging to function. However, individuals can combat stress by establishing a sanctuary, engaging with friends, and leveraging their stress response to fuel positive actions rather than succumbing to anxiety and anger, highlighting the importance of proactive mental health strategies.
When operating at peak, the stress response is lifesaving. It's like your car engine. When you're at rest, the engine is idling; when you need your stress response to power your focus, you're humming along at optimum speed.
More than 7 in 10 adults said the future of the nation (77%) is a significant source of stress in their lives, with the economy (73%) and the 2024 U.S. presidential election (69%) following closely behind.