YouTube Shorts has recently reported staggering growth, currently reaching approximately 70 billion views daily, with estimates suggesting that it might be closer to 90 billion. To capitalize on this impressive rise, YouTube is encouraging brands to engage with Shorts through a new report informed by eMarketer's data insights. This report highlights how brands can effectively reach their audience with Shorts and offers strategies for maximizing promotions, including using BrandConnect to partner with suitable creators.
Indeed, Shorts is now up to 70 billion views across the app daily, though that's only based on the most recent official stat we have, which YouTube shared in March last year.
So Shorts is likely now seeing even more attention (third party reporting suggests that Shorts is now up to a cumulative 90 billion views).
And YouTube's now looking to get more brands involved in the Shorts revolution, publishing a new report, based on data insights from eMarketer, which underlines the potential of Shorts for reaching your audience.
As the report notes, you can use BrandConnect to find relevant creators to partner with.