The cookie question: what should advertisers be doing?

The key for advertisers now is not to rest on their laurels thinking the 'problem' has gone away. If Google follows Apple's example in giving users a choice in how advertisers can target them, then third-party cookies will effectively deprecate on their own anyway. The challenge for the industry is now to ramp up the testing of alternate solutions to testing at scale. Compromise will be required on the way, as it always is, but the long-term benefits of media targeting that better respects users' privacy still outweigh the upheaval of change.
If you're taking measurement seriously, in today's fragmented media reality, cookies alone aren't sufficient. You need first-party cookies, with a consistent way of measuring exposure, and media overlaps, from a single source. We've found that the secret is a first-party panel where the long-term relationship with panelists means we're able to utilize multiple layers of opt-in data, many of which don't rely on cookies. Consumers are comfortable with sharing data in return for the rewards they earn.
Read at The Drum