Punk band singer terrorizes Yosemite, California sheriff says. 'Erratic and dangerous'

Anthony Mehlhaff, lead singer of the punk band Cancer Christ, instigated a series of alarming incidents in Yosemite National Park, leading to multiple serious charges, including vandalism and kidnapping.
The trouble began when Mehlhaff inappropriately touched a pregnant waitress and claimed, "the spirits led me to you and your baby belongs to me." This sparked a spree of theft and chaos.
After evading law enforcement, Mehlhaff crashed his vehicle, stole a bicycle, and bizarrely declared his future fame, saying to a bystander, "You'll want to keep this, I'm going to be famous."
Entering the Tenaya Lodge kitchen and stealing a knife, Mehlhaff wreaked havoc, telling patrons they were in danger, vandalizing property, and attempting to kidnap a store manager.
Read at Sacramento Bee