Phuong Hoang Khong, a 69-year-old man from Anaheim, is charged with raping a 93-year-old woman who suffers from dementia and is nonverbal. The incident reportedly occurred on January 6 while he was her caretaker. Khong allegedly restrained her and covered her eyes before the assault. He surrendered to authorities on February 3 after the victim's family considered reporting him. If convicted, Khong could face a prison sentence of up to 75 years to life. The case highlights the vulnerability of elderly patients under caregiver supervision.
Khong, who prosecutors said was the woman's caretaker three times a week, is accused of sexually assaulting her in her medical bed Jan. 6.
If convicted as charged, he faces a maximum prison sentence of 75 years to life plus four years, prosecutors said.
He targeted the most vulnerable of victims, knowing that she was so helpless she couldn't even cry out for help.
Khong turned himself in to the Orange Police Department on Feb. 3, after her family had threatened to report him.