Sherlock, a cocker spaniel, is retiring after 12 years with the London Fire Brigade, where he served as a fire investigation dog. Notably, he attended significant incidents like the Grenfell Tower fire and interacted with royalty during his career. Sherlock's expertise included detecting numerous flammable liquids. His handler, Paul Osborne, highlights the importance of Sherlock's contributions to fire safety and his devoted service. Now at 100 in dog years, Sherlock will enjoy retirement, while the brigade prepares two younger dogs, Simba and Smokey, to follow in his paw prints.
"In dog years, Sherlock is 100 years old, so it's only fitting for him to hang up his boots now and take a well-earned break. He'll enjoy a relaxed retirement filled with naps on the sofa, his favourite walks and plenty of belly rubs."
"As Sherlock embarks on this new chapter of his life, his contribution and achievements during his time within London Fire Brigade are testament to his dedication, expertise and unwavering service."