Injuries to 'beloved' mum-of-two like 'horror movie', teen daughter tells court as ex is sentenced to life for murder

Lisa Thompson, a mother of two, was brutally murdered in her home by her former lover. The attack involved strangulation with a blind cord and multiple stab wounds, leaving injuries so severe they were compared to those seen in horror films. This heinous act has deeply impacted her family, with her teenage daughter sharing her traumatic experience in court, vowing never to forget the face of the perpetrator, Brian McHugh, a repeat offender, whose name will haunt her forever.
The fatal injuries to mother-of-two Lisa Thompson, who was strangled with a blind cord and stabbed to death in her own home by her former lover, have been described by the victim's young daughter as like those "which could only be seen in horror movies".
Ms Thompson's teenage daughter also told the Central Criminal Court today in her victim impact statement that she will never forget repeat offender Brian McHugh's "face or evil eyes" and that his name will "haunt" her for the rest of her life.
Read at Irish Independent