Travel Troubleshooter: Lack of staffing causes a missed flight and a mountain of fees

Aer Lingus should have had more than one employee at the airport to check you in. But it didn't, and as I reviewed the paper trail of correspondence between you and Aer Lingus, it's clear what happened.
Your departure was scheduled during the busy summer travel season, when airports are crowded and flights run at full capacity. And it looks like the sole employee who checked you in worked for a third party called Swissport, not Aer Lingus.
According to Aer Lingus, you didn't have a connecting flight to Boston on your itinerary, but it's unclear how that could have happened.
You missed your flight to Dublin because of the slow line caused by a confluence of events. But when you didn't make it to Dublin for your return flight to Boston, Aer Lingus considered you a no show and canceled your reservation.
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