Help with improving PageSpeed Insights results

The article discusses the concept of YANGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It) in the context of web performance, emphasizing that unnecessary file downloads can severely impact site speed. It highlights that many frameworks, such as jQuery, are often downloaded in their entirety, despite the fact that only a fraction of their functionality is utilized. This practice leads to inefficient resource use and overall sluggish load times. Specifically, the carousel feature is cited as another component that could benefit from optimization, supporting the notion that reducing bloat can enhance web performance significantly.
Your site suffers from YANGNI, meaning you download files that are either not used or only minimally utilized, affecting speed.
The jQuery library is a notable example: you're only employing 30% of its functionalities, resulting in unnecessary bloat.
Your carousel implementation is another instance of this issue, where only about 20% is in use, yet the entire package is being downloaded.
The primary reason for the site's slow speed is the downloading of unused components, leading to ‘dead meat’ in requests.
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