"People who work night shifts have a higher incidence of cancer, inflammatory disease, heart disease, and just higher mortality overall," explains Ava Shamban, MD, a board-certified dermatologist. This highlights a significant link between disrupted circadian rhythms and serious health issues. Understanding the importance of sleep and circadian health can shine a light on their influence on both overall health and skin health. Shamban emphasizes that if the body's internal clock is critical, then its disruption is likely to adversely affect skin too.
"Clock genes control 50% of the genome," she says. They turn certain genes on during the day and certain ones at night, so it made sense to look at a product that would really support these genes. This statement reveals the fundamental role of circadian rhythms in regulating multiple biological functions, including skin health. It validates why Shamban's skincare brand focuses on products that align with these natural cycles, aiming to optimize skin care outcomes.
Shamban worked with veteran cosmetic chemist John Garruto and discovered ingredients that helped support circadian rhythm. These include an ingredient called Circalys, which is sourced from the Ayurvedic botanical green chiretta, and another ingredient called B-Circadin, an extract of the South Korean medicinal plant Lespedeza capitata. This insight into the formulation of Althaea Skin emphasizes an innovative approach to skincare that enhances the skin's resilience and restorative capabilities in sync with the body's internal clock.