French Expression of the Day: Proche du peuple

'Proche du peuple' translates to 'close to the people', describing those, particularly politicians, who are relatable and genuine. It's a term often used for leaders who seem sincere and not elitist, resonating well, especially in France, where it is seen as a compliment. This phrase captures the essence of individuals who may come from humble beginnings or demonstrate a strong affinity with the working class. A prominent example includes Tim Walz's favorable portrayal as 'proche du peuple' in the context of his vice-presidential candidacy.
Il a un discours politique proche du peuple. Il ne cherche pas à être trop complexe ou intelligent. - His political messaging is in touch with everyday people. He doesn't try to be too complex or intelligent.
Le candidat a une image proche du peuple, notamment par sa façon de s'habiller de manière informelle. - The candidate has a down-to-earth image, particularly with his informal way of dressing.
Read at The Local France