The Worst Liquid Death Flavor Kind Of Tastes Like Lip Balm - Tasting Table

Liquid Death and Van Leeuwen ice cream have collaborated to create a unique hot fudge sundae-flavored sparkling water, described as the only 20-calorie option of its kind. However, in taste tests, it has received low rankings, with reviewers likening it to chocolate lip balm rather than a delightful dessert. Critics also noted the lack of creativity in the flavor name, contrasting it with other more evocative flavors in Liquid Death's lineup. Reactions online reflect skepticism about the product, indicating a divide among food enthusiasts about this peculiar drink offering.
The first sip sent me spiraling back to childhood when my favorite lip product of choice was Lip Smackers' chocolate lip balm. No joke, that's exactly what this one tastes like.
Ordinarily, we’re all about nostalgia-led eating, but this is another beast entirely. Beyond its confusing-bordering-bad taste, the other chief sin committed by Liquid Death hot fudge sundae is its lack of moniker creativity.
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