Eye of round steak, often overlooked due to its toughness compared to cuts like ribeye, offers a budget-friendly alternative for beef lovers with prices under $8 per pound. Best when cooked slowly, this lean cut requires methods like roasting or braising to break down muscle fibers for improved tenderness. It can be prepared as a roast or cut into steaks, with the advice to marinate and pound smaller cuts while ensuring they are cooked to medium rare to retain juiciness.
Eye of round steak is a budget-friendly option for beef lovers, priced under $8 per pound, and best when cooked slowly to ensure tenderness.
Despite being one of the leaner and tougher cuts, eye of round can yield delicious meals when prepared correctly, particularly by slow cooking methods.
For optimal results with smaller eye of round steaks, tenderization through pounding and marinating is suggested, followed by a quick sear or grill.
This cut, taken from the hindquarters of the cow, is an underappreciated gem that can shine when cooked using appropriate techniques.