4 Killed And 9 Injured At School Shooting At Apalachee High School, In Georgia

'I wasn't texting my family at first, because I thought it was just a drill,' Romero told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Since the school had prepared for this scenario, Romero said she and her classmates knew what to do. The sickness, of course, is that they had to be trained for this at all. I can just remember my hands were shaking, Romero said. I felt bad because everybody was crying, everybody was trying to find their siblings.'
'I can still picture everything, like the blood, the shouting and everything,' Romero said. Political reaction was swift...and predictable. President Joe Biden said he was mourning the deaths of those whose lives were cut short due to more senseless gun violence after a shooting at Apalachee High School in Barrow County.'
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