Comfort Cooking Beyond Casseroles

"It's familiar (who doesn't love noodles?), versatile (use the proteins and veggies that you've got) and easy (simple prep and straightforward stir-frying)."
Serve either with a frilly, lightly dressed green salad. On the vegetarian side of things, Yewande Komolafe's brothy Thai curry with silken tofu and herbs is here to restore and revive. And how cozy do these roasted red peppers look? The bright peppers, charred and layered over a bed of garlicky beans and dark leafy greens, resemble soft, welcoming beanbag chairs. Ali Slagle's recipe really lets you slouch into it, too. Use whichever canned beans you've got in the pantry, add those herbs that need using up, top with crumbles of cheese or dollops of yogurt.
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