During the colder months, many opt for time-consuming braises and stews, but there's a simpler approach for meals that still impress. A fresh salad with robust greens like arugula, radicchio, and endive can awaken the palate despite winter's chill. Arugula, particularly the wild variety, is highlighted for its sharp, bold taste which complements a zippy vinaigrette. This article emphasizes that a vibrant and flavorful salad can be an effortless and delightful way to start a winter meal.
During the cold months, instead of long-cooked dishes, a fresh salad featuring sturdy greens like arugula can be a flavorful and satisfying meal starter.
Arugula, known for its sharp flavor and often used in Italian and French cuisine, can stand alone in a salad, especially when paired with a zesty vinaigrette.