The articles highlight various pressing issues, including the dairy industry's attempt to monopolize food labeling against plant-based alternatives, the benefits of remote work being jeopardized by political pressures, the alarming rise of far-right movements in Europe post-Holocaust, and the controversial stance on abolishing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau due to its alleged inefficiencies. Each viewpoint reflects a broader debate involving economic interests, political ideologies, social justice, and government regulation.
‘Dairy makers want to prevent foods from being labeled ‘milk,’ ‘yogurt’ or ‘cheese’ unless they owe their provenance to lactating farm animals,’ says Jack Shafer.
‘The resurgence of the far right is a chilling reminder of the fragility of European commitment to 'never again,'’ says Farid Hafez.
‘Attempts to dismantle telework ignore the wealth of data proving its value and threaten to disrupt essential government services,’ says Glen Tsipursky.
‘The CFPB deserves to be terminated for its blunders, and the sake of sensible economic regulation,’ says David B. McGarry.