To Bake The Best Brioche Cinnamon Rolls, Follow This Butter Ratio - Tasting Table

Brioche dough is highly versatile, often adjusting butter content based on the final pastry desired. For cinnamon rolls, a reduced butter percentage (25%) creates a sturdy dough, allowing it to support rich fillings without becoming too soft. In contrast, traditional brioche often contains up to 80% butter for a lighter texture suitable for standalone eating. Understanding the butter-to-flour ratio is crucial for achieving the desired structural integrity and flavor balance in different brioche applications, with advice to add butter last during preparation for the best results.
For brioche cinnamon rolls, you need a scant 25% butter to 75% flour or a 1:4 ratio. This ensures a soft but sturdy dough that supports the filling.
The more butter added to the brioche dough, the softer and lighter it will be, but having bread that's too pillow-soft isn't ideal for cinnamon rolls.
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