The Only Salt You Should Dry Brine Prime Rib With, According To A Chef - Tasting Table

To achieve a perfect prime rib, it is essential to start preparation with a dry brine, ideally 24 hours in advance. Using fine Kosher salt is crucial as it penetrates the meat more effectively than coarser salts, enhancing flavor and enabling the Maillard reaction for a desirable crust. After the brining process, reverse searing is recommended; this involves cooking the meat at low temperature before searing at high heat for an ideal texture and flavor combination, resulting in juicy meat with a charred exterior.
"The first step to achieving juicy, tender, perfectly cooked prime rib perfection? Starting your preparation well in advance, and that means kicking things off with a dry brine."
"According to Chef Jean-Pierre, the key to the perfect dry brine is fine Kosher salt... Not to be confused with your typical table salt... it will soak deep into the meat more effectively."
Read at Tasting Table