The Absolute Best Cooking Method For The Juiciest Bone-In Pork Chops - Tasting Table

To ensure bone-in pork chops are juicy, cook them sous vide for four hours at 135.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This process of slowly cooking something in a water bath at a precise temperature will ensure the pork chops are cooked to the perfect temperature and stay juicy.
When going with bone-in meat, try covering the bone tips in paper towels so that they don't puncture your vacuum-sealed bags—after you're doused everything with a hearty dose of ranch seasoning. Don't worry about brining your protein here, since the four-hour sous vide will be enough to give you succulent results.
If you prep your pork chops the night before, shock them in an ice bath to stop the cooking process, ensuring the layers of flavor and tenderness penetrate the meat.
Read at Tasting Table