After many tests in my kitchen, I do think that eggplant needs to be salted before grilling (or roasting, sautéing etc). In this recipe you simply slice the eggplant and toss it into a colander and then coat in a generous amount of salt (don't worry-you'll be rinsing most of it away later). Let the salted eggplant sit for 20 minutes or so in the colander. Excess moisture will be drawn out (and with it most traces of bitterness). Before cooking, you'll rinse the salt off and pat slices dry (and then toss with oil, seasonings etc). The end result is silky, luscious grilled eggplant every time.
I like to keep the skin on the eggplant because I like the texture and the visual presentation. I think it helps the slices hold together better on the grill as well. To avoid sogginess, I quickly spray the slices with oil and coat with spices right before grilling. Eggplant will soak up as much oil as you can offer like a sponge, so it's key to apply it right before cooking.