Rachel Roddy's recipe for ciambotta, or braised peppers, tomatoes and potatoes | A kitchen in Rome

It's the four-burner version of the five-burner model pictured in Sophia Loren's book, In the Kitchen with Love, published in 1972, which just happens to be the year I was born, meaning that Sophia and I, our cookers, cooking and books are inextricably linked.
Tomato is the worst, and the best, especially when the sauce is simmering nicely: mostly steady, but every now and then erupting into a burp of a bubble that splatters like a crime scene waiting for pattern analysis.
Depending on where you are in southern Italy, this sort of improvised dish of summer vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, courgettes) might be called ciambotta, cianfotta, ciambrotta or giambotta, all of which are suitably onomatopoeic.
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