For Better Pot Roast, You Need To Sous Vide Your Beef - Tasting Table

Sous vide, a method used for preparing everything from duck to cheesecake, is lauded for its precision. Heating food in water at a well-regulated temperature can yield an evenly cooked steak, delicately flaked salmon - the list goes on.
Unlike a grill or pan, the sous vide method will not brown or crisp the exterior of your meat. There's an easy workaround for that: Briefly sear your seasoned roast over high heat in a large skillet.
The cooking time and temperature can vary, depending on the size of your roast and your personal preference. For instance, you can cook your roast sous vide for a full 24 hours - or even longer.
We promise - it's well worth it. Sous vide temperatures often fall well below 200 degrees Fahrenheit, employing a gentler method that requires more cooking time.
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