In a résumé workshop, Ph.D. students demonstrated a tendency to perceive themselves as unqualified for a job description that included an instructional technologist position. This common mindset led to disinterest and disengagement. Encouraging them to adopt a 'bias toward 'I'm qualified'' shifted their perspective, revealing relevant skills and experiences aligned with the job description. This phenomenon highlights how graduate students, even those committed to non-academic careers, struggle with self-perception during job searches. The concept connects to the growth mindset by promoting confidence in one's qualifications and abilities, leading to a more productive job search process.
This tendency for Ph.D. students to approach descriptions for jobs outside their academic field from a deficit perspective is quite common.
She suggested that this 'bias toward 'I'm qualified'' approach could enhance the job search experience for graduate students.
Once they changed their mindset and believed that they were qualified, they were able to see many connections between their skills and experiences.
The growth mindset concept, introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck, resonates with the idea of approaching job descriptions from a position of confidence.