The author, after facing a terminal cancer diagnosis, transitioned from an organizational psychologist to an advocate for the employability of people with disabilities. The journey required the development of mental resilience, particularly in combating pervasive fear. They formulated five principles aimed at overcoming fear, thus enhancing mental control and life enjoyment. Surprisingly, this mental shift even affected the progression of their illness. Amidst a world seemingly consumed by various fears, the author feels driven to share their principles for a happier life.
I knew that if I allowed fear to control me, I would be giving up on my life even before my body did; I needed to start developing my mental resilience quickly.
These principles enabled me to regain control of my mind and enjoy a happy life, free of the shadowy tentacles of fear.
When fear knocked on my mind's door, as it initially did untold times a day, I learned to never tolerate it by replacing the fearful thought with a stronger positive thought.
Looking around nowadays, it seems as though more and more people are living in fear—financial fear, existential fear, fear of what the future holds.