Ding! Governor Vetos Bill That Would Have Required Alert for Speeding Drivers - Streetsblog California

"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) already regulates vehicle safety standards, and adding California specific requirements would create a patchwork of regulations that undermines this longstanding federal framework," the Governor wrote in his veto statement.
"The evidence is clear: Rising levels of dangerous speeding are placing all Californians in danger, and by taking prudent steps to improve safety, we can save lives," wrote Senator Scott Wiener in response before bemoaning the lack of leadership from the Governor's Office.
"California should have led on this crisis as Wisconsin did in passing the first seatbelt mandate in 1961. Instead, this veto resigns Californians to a completely unnecessary risk of fatality," Wiener stated.
"The governor's logic that California should wait for the federal government to act flies in the face of California's long-standing practice that it can, and should, be a leader on minimizing the harms done by cars."
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