My 12-year-old daughter is an entrepreneur. She built her own website and reinvests earnings into her business.

A parent reflects on their 12-year-old daughter's journey in running her handmade business, highlighting the importance of allowing her to make mistakes. With support from external programs like Youth Biz, she develops vital business skills. The parent emphasizes how watching her navigate challenges has strengthened her resourcefulness. They acknowledge the learning curve of parenting an entrepreneur, noting that true support lies not in removing obstacles but in empowering children to learn, adapt, and grow through their experiences. The process has built confidence in both parent and child.
My instinct was to step in and smooth things over at the post office. Perhaps cover the extra cost. But I held back.
These days, she's more thoughtful; instead of spending it all right away, she puts about half of the money she earns either into savings or back into her business.
Letting the process unfold takes patience and trust. When she comes up against a challenge, she's more likely to consider various angles and try to solve it.
Parenting a young entrepreneur has been just as much a learning experience for me as for her. I've had to fight the urge to step in, fix things.
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