I retired from tech at 59. These 5 books helped me do it.

Alvaro Munevar Jr. achieved early retirement at 59 by using his time in middle management to pursue financial literacy through personal finance books. His learning led him to establish a real estate side business that provided the necessary income to retire comfortably. Key influences included books like 'Rich Dad Poor Dad,' which reshaped his understanding of assets versus liabilities, and 'Bogle on Mutual Funds,' guiding him towards investing in index funds for their low-cost, broad market benefits. These strategies combined empowered his transition from a 30-year tech career to retirement.
Robert Kiyosaki's 1997 book taught me how to think differently about my money, particularly the importance of purchasing rental properties as assets for passive income.
The book supports owning broad market low-cost index funds, emphasizing the importance of a strategy that minimizes costs and maximizes long-term returns.
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