Everything You Should Know Before Applying To Work At Starbucks, According To A Representative - Tasting Table

The article explores the experience of becoming a barista at Starbucks, emphasizing the thorough training that transforms drink preferences and skills. Many beginners only know sweet drinks, but training helps them appreciate the nuanced flavors of coffee. The post shares insights from a former barista and a Starbucks communications manager, shedding light on the opportunities and rewards of this position. It highlights the importance of understanding the service industry and personal growth that comes from this role, making it a valuable experience for those considering applying.
I can tell you that the experience of being a barista sets you up to create your own coffees for a lifetime, and it also helps you gain a healthy understanding of what it is to work in the service industry.
Starbucks' barista training can turn a customer who only orders Frappuccinos into an espresso-drinking coffee fiend - I've experienced this firsthand.
Becoming a barista is a journey that educates you not only about coffee but also about working in a dynamic service environment.
With the proper training, baristas can elevate their beverage preferences and enjoy coffee in a way they may never have considered before.
Read at Tasting Table