"We need more people to run AI, but also we need more people to pair with those AI and data skills with domain-specific skills," she said to ZDNET at Precisely's recent Trust 24 event. This emphasizes the necessity of having professionals who not only understand AI but also possess industry-specific knowledge to generate meaningful, actionable insights from data.
"Eighty percent of data has a location attribute. If you are an insurance company, and you are trying to price with the right risk levels, it's very important to understand the property boundaries, the difference between two properties, and whether you are close to the water line to make an assessment." This highlights the critical role of domain expertise in effectively interpreting and utilizing AI solutions in specific industries like insurance.
"In order to harness the best language models -- whether small or large -- we need to have domain experts who can provide that deep expertise, to make the most trusted outcome." This statement underscores the importance of integrating deep knowledge in particular fields in order to fully leverage AI technologies and achieve reliable results.
"AI skills alone cannot deliver success in healthcare, where deep domain expertise in medical procedures is required. AI skills alone cannot deliver success in financial analysis or factory assembly." This reflects the widespread consensus that technical skills must be complemented by industry knowledge for successful applications of AI.