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3 months ago

Opinion | Just How Many People Will Die From Climate Change?

Climate change impact debates include controversial mortality estimations based on temperature rise.
Estimations of climate change mortality vary greatly, from tens of millions to hundreds of millions. [ more ]
4 months ago

Ice Fishing Turns Deadly as World Warms

Rising temperatures are undermining ice conditions on lakes, affecting recreation, transportation, and local economies.
Experts predict that climate change will increase the death toll from ice collapses on frozen lakes and rivers. [ more ]
3 months ago

Weather: London set for weekend washout as Met Office issues flood warnings

Heavy rain and flood warnings expected in London and much of England over the weekend.
Temperatures in London will rise to 14-15C, higher than average, leading to a mild spell due to southerly winds. [ more ]
4 months ago

2023 Was the Hottest Year on Record by a Long Shot

2023 was the hottest year on record, surpassing the previous record in 2016.
2023 was close to reaching the 1.5 degrees C above preindustrial temperatures, highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis. [ more ]
#climate change
5 months ago

Is it too late to keep planetary heating below 1.5 Celsius? DW 11/24/2023

The 1.5 degrees Celsius limit in the Paris Agreement was established as a line of defense against catastrophic climate effects.
Current global emissions need to be halved by 2030 in order to stay within the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit. [ more ]
6 months ago

A Perfectly Designed Climate Report Cover

Greenhouse gas emissions reached a new high in 2022.
Global average temperatures in 2023 are almost certain to be the warmest on record.
Implementing and continuing mitigation efforts can limit temperature rise this century. [ more ]
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