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The Drum
2 months ago

The rise of shrinkflation: consumer trust shrinks in tandem with products

Shrinkflation reduces product size while maintaining price
Middle-class Americans struggle with rising prices and shrinking product sizes [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Biden Targets a New Economic Villain: Shrinkflation

President Biden criticizes companies for shrinkflation during a video on Super Bowl Sunday.
Consumer advocate Edgar Dworsky influenced Mr. Biden's economic argument against companies using shrinkflation tactics. [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Many Canadians are fed up with shrinkflation. So what's being done about it? | CBC News

Shrinkflation is a tactic where companies reduce product volume/weight without adjusting the price.
Many consumers are noticing shrinkflation tactics and want more transparency from companies. [ more ]
Miami Herald
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Don't think Biden's 'shrinkflation' is real? Take a bite of a Miami-Dade empanada | Opinion

Food inflation persists, with shrinking containers and disappearing ingredients leading to higher prices.
President Biden has voiced his frustration with 'shrinkflation' and the impact it has on consumers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Canada news

Bowled over: Why some Canadians are feeling duped by their breakfast cereal | CBC News

Kellogg's Vector claims to have 'high protein' but the fine print reveals that most of the protein comes from adding milk to the flakes.
Consumers are becoming more concerned about deceptive food marketing tactics like shrinkflation and skimpflation. [ more ]
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