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1 month ago

Billie Eilish Doesn't Have to Do It All

Billie Eilish reflects on the pressures of fame and self-image in her new album, managing expectations while expressing personal struggles and growth. [ more ]
1 month ago

41 Toxic Boomer Parenting Trends People Are Promising Never To Put Their Own Kids Through

Toxic parenting habits may include negging and lack of emotional support, leading to emotional trauma and self-image issues for children. [ more ]
5 months ago

Lost And Found At The Weight Machines | Defector

Having a disability can lead to absorbing negative projections and struggling with self-acceptance.
The author went through a process of unlearning and accepting their disability, but experienced a setback with additional loss of function. [ more ]
6 days ago
Black Lives Matter

Someone who looked like me': the women who created Black Barbie

The documentary 'Black Barbie: A Documentary' explores the history and significance of the first Black Barbie in 1980, shedding light on representation and self-image for Black children. [ more ]
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