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1 month ago
Web design

Visual Studio 17.10 Preview 2: GitHub Copilot-powered Pull Requests, SSDT Support for VS in ARM64

Visual Studio 17.10 Preview 2 introduces GitHub Copilot-powered pull request descriptions and commit explanations.
Support for SQL Server Developer Tools on ARM64 and access to GitHub/Azure DevOps pull request comments within Visual Studio are key features. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Visual Studio 17.9 Preview 1: Refreshed UI, Debugging, AI, Productivity and More

Visual Studio version 17.9 preview brings improvements and features to enhance developer productivity.
Features include GitHub Copilot, IntelliSense support, memory management and debugging improvements, refreshed UI, and more.
Developers can use AI-generated git commit messages, detect memory leaks, interact with Debug Visualizers, and view #include references. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

eBay's Lessons Learned about Generative AI in Software Development Productivity

Adopting commercial AI solutions like GitHub Copilot increased developer productivity at eBay.
Fine-tuning open-source Large Language Models streamlined tasks and reduced code duplication for eBay. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Apple's upcoming Xcode update to feature advanced AI capabilities

Apple is developing a new software tool for app development with AI, positioning itself as a competitor to Microsoft.
The tool, part of the upcoming update to Xcode, will assist developers by predicting and completing code blocks using AI.
Apple is increasing internal testing of AI features and plans to reveal more about its AI endeavors later this year. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Is Rewiring Coders' Brains. Yours May Be Next

Generative AI is already being used by computer programmers in the form of tools like GitHub's Copilot.
Almost half of the code produced by users of Copilot is AI-generated, but human oversight is still necessary. [ more ]
2 months ago
Software development

Visual Studio 2022 - 17.10 Preview 1: Productivity, Debugging, Diagnostics and More Improvements

Visual Studio 2022 introduces productivity enhancements with features like GitHub Copilot Chat Extension
Automatic Git Commit Messages and other productivity-focused features are included in this update [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

Visual Studio GitHub Copilot Extension Introduces New Features and Enhancements

The latest release of the Visual Studio GitHub Copilot Chat Extension introduces slash commands and context variables.
Slash commands allow developers to trigger specific actions related to their code, such as adding documentation comments or fixing identified issues. Context variables enable easy inclusion of files from solutions in questions for more targeted responses. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Sourced Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor

Zed is an open-source code editor focusing on performance, AI capabilities, and collaboration.
Zed leverages Rust code base, multicore and GPU optimization, CRDTs, GitHub Copilot, GPT-4, and a Mac-only platform. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

GitHub Copilot Chat Now Generally Available

GitHub Copilot Chat, a natural language-powered coding tool, is now generally available.
Copilot Chat offers real-time guidance for developers without leaving their IDE, supporting tasks such as explaining complex coding concepts and writing unit tests. [ more ]
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