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4 weeks ago
Europe politics

What will the EU elections mean for climate? DW 05/29/2024

The recent farmer demonstrations against a law aiming to restore Europe's nature symbolize backlash against the EU's climate policies. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Vermont Is Coming for Big Oil, Making It Pay for Decades of Climate Pollution

Vermont is close to enacting the groundbreaking 'Climate Superfund Act' holding fossil fuel companies accountable for climate damages, marking a shift towards utilizing climate science in legislation. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
OMG science

Green activists don't care how many people will die from zero fossil fuel use

The impact of ending fossil fuels must consider not only climate science but also the broader benefits and costs, including the significant improvements in quality of life provided by fossil fuels. [ more ]
New Statesman
1 month ago
OMG science

Michael Mann: "Defeatism is as much of a threat as climate denial"

Climate progress is being made but not enough; policies may limit warming to 2°C, still too high. Optimism lies in younger generation's activism. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

What's the best way to tackle climate change? An 'evidence bank' could help scientists find answers

Researchers are working on building an evidence bank of science reviews to determine effective climate policies, addressing the crucial 'what works?' question in climate policy. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
OMG science

Green activists don't care how many people will die from zero fossil fuel use

The impact of ending fossil fuels must consider not only climate science but also the broader benefits and costs, including the significant improvements in quality of life provided by fossil fuels. [ more ]
New Statesman
1 month ago
OMG science

Michael Mann: "Defeatism is as much of a threat as climate denial"

Climate progress is being made but not enough; policies may limit warming to 2°C, still too high. Optimism lies in younger generation's activism. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

What's the best way to tackle climate change? An 'evidence bank' could help scientists find answers

Researchers are working on building an evidence bank of science reviews to determine effective climate policies, addressing the crucial 'what works?' question in climate policy. [ more ]
1 month ago

Chemists Chase Clean' Ammonia to Replace Shipping Fuel

Ammonia production, a carbon-intensive process, could transition to clean energy, potentially fueled by President Biden's climate law for green ammonia use in various industries. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Exclusive: Youth-oriented advocacy group applauds Biden on climate

President Biden has received praise for his environmental actions but faces pressure from the youth-led Sunrise Movement for bolder steps on climate policy. [ more ]
3 months ago

Cement, SteelAnd PastaAre About to Get Greener

$6 billion grants to decarbonize industrial sector
Focus on reducing carbon emissions in industries like cement and steel [ more ]
3 months ago
Canada news

Ontario Liberals rule out provincial carbon tax as part of 2026 election platform | CBC News

Crombie vows no provincial carbon tax if elected premier in 2026
Expert policy panel to lead consultations for Liberal climate platform, excluding carbon tax [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago

A big boost to Europe's climate change goals

The European Union soft-launched an initiative to establish a carbon price that will apply to emissions worldwide, including from imported products.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will incentivize industries globally to reduce emissions by making them pay a fee or clean up to do business with European firms. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK leaves pro-fossil fuel Energy Charter Treaty DW 02/22/2024

The UK and several EU countries are exiting the Energy Charter Treaty due to its failure to align with net-zero emission targets.
The Energy Charter Treaty has been used by big emitters to sue governments for phasing out fossil fuels, hampering climate policies. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK the latest exit from pro-fossil fuel energy treaty DW 02/22/2024

The UK has exited the Energy Charter Treaty due to alignment failure with 'net zero' emissions targets.
The Energy Charter Treaty has been used by big emitters to sue governments for phasing out fossil fuels, hindering climate policy. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK leaves pro-fossil fuel Energy Charter Treaty DW 02/22/2024

The UK and several EU countries are exiting the Energy Charter Treaty due to its failure to align with net-zero emission targets.
The Energy Charter Treaty has been used by big emitters to sue governments for phasing out fossil fuels, hampering climate policies. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

UK the latest exit from pro-fossil fuel energy treaty DW 02/22/2024

The UK has exited the Energy Charter Treaty due to alignment failure with 'net zero' emissions targets.
The Energy Charter Treaty has been used by big emitters to sue governments for phasing out fossil fuels, hindering climate policy. [ more ]
The Verge
4 months ago

The EU is formalizing rules for taking CO2 out of the atmosphere

The EU agreed on a certification framework for carbon removal technologies.
Lax rules for carbon removal technologies could lead to ineffective climate action. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's new climate envoy is John Podesta. He has a big domestic climate job too

John Podesta will handle international climate policy after John Kerry steps down as climate envoy.
Podesta has been overseeing climate incentives and funding in Biden's administration. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe politics

Is Europe prepared for another Donald Trump presidency? DW 01/27/2024

Voices in Europe are warning about the possibility of a second term for Donald Trump as US president.
Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, described the election of Trump as a 'clear threat' to Europe. [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

Biden Still Wants to Look Like the Climate President

America has become the biggest liquid-natural-gas exporter in the world, but shipping LNG abroad could have negative environmental consequences.
Despite Biden's climate policies, his administration has approved new oil and gas projects and granted permits for infrastructure that activists have criticized. [ more ]
#Climate policy
6 months ago

Visualised: how all of G20 is missing climate goals but some nations are closer than others

Not a single G20 country has policies consistent with the Paris agreement's goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C and meeting emissions reduction targets.
Eight G20 countries, including Argentina, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, and Indonesia, are rated as critically insufficient in their climate policies. [ more ]
6 months ago

After Cop28, know this: Sunak and his rightwing allies around the world have no interest in saving our planet | Diyora Shadijanova

Rishi Sunak's travel to COP28 on a private jet raises concerns about his commitment to climate policies
Conservative parties in various Western states are abandoning climate commitments [ more ]
6 months ago

Visualised: how all of G20 is missing climate goals but some nations are closer than others

Not a single G20 country has policies consistent with the Paris agreement's goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C and meeting emissions reduction targets.
Eight G20 countries, including Argentina, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, and Indonesia, are rated as critically insufficient in their climate policies. [ more ]
6 months ago

After Cop28, know this: Sunak and his rightwing allies around the world have no interest in saving our planet | Diyora Shadijanova

Rishi Sunak's travel to COP28 on a private jet raises concerns about his commitment to climate policies
Conservative parties in various Western states are abandoning climate commitments [ more ]
moreClimate policy
6 months ago

Cop28: what could the climate conference achieve?

If current growth in renewable energy continues, next year could be the year greenhouse gas emissions reach their peak.
The implications of a potential emissions peak for the Cop28 UN summit are profound.
Global temperatures broke records this year and an unprecedented ocean heatwave occurred. [ more ]
6 days ago

Why did Sweden's emissions drop in 2023 and what's in store for the future?

Sweden's emissions decreased by 2% in 2023 mainly due to lower industry and electricity sector emissions. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Fears for Green Deal as number of MEPs from climate-denying parties set to rise

Far-right parties gaining seats in the European Parliament may impede climate action progress, potentially slowing down pollution reduction efforts. [ more ]
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