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5 days ago
Mobile UX

China sets aside $47 billion to boost its chip industry

China established a new $47 billion investment fund for semiconductor industry. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

U.S. Awards $120 Million to Chipmaker to Expand Facility in Minnesota

$120 million federal grant to Polar Semiconductor for expanding chip manufacturing, part of efforts to strengthen US semiconductor supply. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Intel's AI Reboot Is the Future of US Chipmaking

Intel relaunching and expanding its foundry business to manufacture chip designs for other companies.
Microsoft announces partnership with Intel to use their foundry services for making future chips, boosting Intel's comeback. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Sam Altman Seeking Trillions of Dollars for New AI Venture

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is seeking to raise up to $7 trillion for an AI hardware venture.
The goal is to set up a new chip manufacturing venture to boost hardware capacity and train AI models. [ more ]
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