New M25 services 'could lead to swathe of concrete joining London to Brentwood'Moto's plans for service stations on the M25 face strong local opposition due to concerns about green belt land destruction.
Hundreds of potentially homeless people turned away after asking for helpBrentwood Council's homelessness service was found to have serious management issues, failing to properly assess vulnerable applicants' needs.
Brentwood Centre to come under new managementEveryone Active will manage Brentwood Centre and other facilities from April 2025, enhancing community leisure services and promoting health benefits.
Planning officers slammed as 344-home refusal could be overturnedThe refusal of a housing application in Shenfield left room for appeal due to non-determination by council officers.
Village to get dozens of new homes despite 'big flooding problem'Brentwood Council approved housing development despite flooding concerns, asserting that expert mitigation plans will manage the increased risk.
Development decision delayed again over crossing concernBrentwood Council has delayed the housing application in Shenfield due to unresolved traffic safety concerns.
Plans for dozens of homes face rejection after traffic issues raisedStonebond's housing project may proceed with modifications despite initial reluctance from Brentwood Council's planning committee regarding safety concerns.
Decision on Brentwood 100-home plan delayedBrentwood's planning committee has raised significant concerns about the safety and scale of the proposed 97-home development in Shenfield.
Planning officers slammed as 344-home refusal could be overturnedThe refusal of a housing application in Shenfield left room for appeal due to non-determination by council officers.
Village to get dozens of new homes despite 'big flooding problem'Brentwood Council approved housing development despite flooding concerns, asserting that expert mitigation plans will manage the increased risk.
Development decision delayed again over crossing concernBrentwood Council has delayed the housing application in Shenfield due to unresolved traffic safety concerns.
Plans for dozens of homes face rejection after traffic issues raisedStonebond's housing project may proceed with modifications despite initial reluctance from Brentwood Council's planning committee regarding safety concerns.
Decision on Brentwood 100-home plan delayedBrentwood's planning committee has raised significant concerns about the safety and scale of the proposed 97-home development in Shenfield.
Tenants say Brentwood 'is one of worst social landlords in Essex'Tenant satisfaction measures highlight low satisfaction levels with complaint handling in council housing, prompting focused improvement efforts.
Controversial garden centre redevelopment plan blockedPublic opposition remains significant against the proposal to develop Ongar Garden Centre despite potential job creation.
'New gates have made it look like multi-storey car park is closed'Brentwood Council aims to resolve confusion caused by new automatic gates and malfunctioning ANPR cameras at Coptfold Road car park.
Wine retail chain's new outlet to replace tile showroom on high streetMajestic Wine Warehouses Ltd to open new store in Brentwood, offering alcohol sales off-premises from 8am-11pm daily.